Google + vs. Facebook
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This is an Op-Ed blog post for my ongoing series about social media.

I consider myself to be a moderate social media user. I generally do not go a day without checking my status and yes that does include when on the job. But hey, I am in marketing so I think that its borderline justifiable. I, like many have reconnected with high school friends, family, and colleagues via Facebook. The wave of friends continues to grow effortlessly. Facebook is familiar and like the smell of nutmeg and cinnamon in the fall. It is a welcome place to exist for a brief period of time during the day.

I am now trying to break my Facebook routine and push myself to use Google +. It is somewhat awkward but extremely alluring with new uncharted features. I now am able to decide who fits into which circle I’m dragging and dropping my way into a more organized structured social media which, in essence seems like a great idea. Who isn’t about streamlining their life, right? Who wants their boss knowing their political views or what a great date you had the night before. The circles do have their place and Facebook has responded simultaneously with the smart lists to avoid those awkward times before you are able to press delete those, “god I hope she didn’t read that” post kind of moments.

I am finding that since Google + pulls from my email accounts I am only getting people that I have email addresses for which isn’t that many, so even though I am being proactive in dividing everything up there are few people in my circle which is pretty boring to me. The Google+ hangout seems like an awesome feature but I assume that you need people to hang out with. Drats! I have used the search feature for my friends on Google+ but few have made the switch on my feed with the exception of Snoop Dogg (who just posted a picture of himself) and Zuckerberg. I never bothered to ask my Facebook friends their email addresses because I know where to find them, Facebook. I don’t recall Facebook requiring that much effort to connect with people.

Google + is a lot like that machine at the gym that I’ve seen people swinging back and forth on. It looks really cool, if only I could get the nerve to get on it. I like the treadmill. I know what it does, It moves and I run, it’s that simple. Getting on the new equipment is always awkward. Google + is that swingy thing for me. I am going to keep trying and maybe even like it but it so far is requiring some getting used to.

Btw Happy 13th Birthday Google!

Check out this great article with more articulate verbiage about the new Facebook and security measures as well Google+ and its new features.

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